The Solomon’s Knot collective, named as “one of the UK’s most innovative and imaginative ensembles” according to The Observer, is made up of top instrumentalists and singers. They bring early music to life, pushing the boundaries on stage. These regulars at international major venues and music festivals offer nothing less than the complete Grands motets by J.S. Bach, the apotheosis of polyphonic vocal music.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Fürchte dich nicht BWV 228
Komm, Jesu, komm BWV 229
Jesu, meine Freude BWV 227
Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf BWV 226
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied BWV 225
Johann Christoph Bach (1642-1703)
Fürchte dich nicht
Lieber Herr Gott, wecke uns auf
Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener in Friede fahren
Der Gerechte, ob er gleich zu zeitlich stirbt
Solomon’s Knot, vocal ensemble
Jonathan Sells, artistic director
Zoë Brookshaw, Rebecca Lea, soprani
Kate Symonds-Joy, Nathan Mercieca, alti
Thomas Herford, James Robinson, tenors
Jonathan Sells, Alex Ashworth, basses
See the concert program.
Photo credit: Dan Joy
Marie-Christine Tremblay et Jacques Marchand
J. Sebastian van Berkom
Alix d'Anglejan-Chatillon
Manuel Badel
Bernard Bissonnette
Diane Drouin-Birschenk
Karen Goos
Alexandra Heidemann
Rodolphe Husny
Benett Jones LLP
Sabine Kerner
Thomas Leslie
Nadia Moretto & David Sela
Christophe Plantiveau
Guylaine et Guy Rochon
Steven Salamon
Alexandra Scheibler
André Shareck
Gisela Steinle
Elin Stilwell Oldland
Swan Family Fund
Leslie Silver & Laurent Ferreira
Martin J. Valasek
Carmine Venditti
Paul Willox
Dov Zigler