Produced by : Festival Bach Montréal

10th edition of the Night of Choirs

For the 10th edition of La nuit des chœurs, new and old choirs from the Greater Montreal area join forces for an even more captivating and vibrant concert. Between emotions and harmony, the ensembles will share joyful and varied songs from their respective repertoires.

A delicious Glühwein with German cookies and chocolates will be served to the public.

Mária Budáčová, orgue
Mario F. Paquet, maître de cérémonie

The Choirs :

Bach et Baroque – Jennifer Y. M. Lee
Ensemble vocal Saint-Anne – Margo Keenan
Les petits chanteurs de Laval – Isabelle Vadeboncœur
Ensemble vocal À ContreVoix – Marc-Olivier Lacroix
Anima musica – Francis Guérard
Société chorale de Saint-Lambert – Gabrielle Gauderault
Muses Chorale – Gohar Manvelyan
Choeur Seraphim – John W.P. Guzik
Choeur Adleisia – Megan Batty
Ensemble vocal Créo – Lilit Yedigaryan
Ensemble vocal Ganymède – Yvan Sabourin
Choeur les Oisifs
Ensemble vocal Vivace – Christophe Gauthier
Ensemble vocal Stakato – Yvan Sabourin

Free admission – Suggested contribution $15

concert info

  • November 16, 2024 15:30
  • Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul (entrance on Sherbrooke)
  • singers
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